. . .academic endorsements
Maddie Age 6
Matthew Age 8
What The Professionals Say
"Mona Brookes' well-chosen words and illustrations broaden our conception of learning in the arts and suggests ways in which the arts can contribute productively to the mastery of other disciplines."
Howard Gardner, Professor of Education
Harvard University, Author, Multiple Intelligence
"I have used Drawing With Children as the required text for my Art in the Elementary School course for six years. Many of my students who are teaching in the elementary school have relayed to me how successful and exciting their applications of Mona Brookes' method are in the classroom."
John Solem, California Lutheran University
"The method emphasizes step-step guidance for drawing in a learning environment that is non-competitive and non-judgmental, where when pencil meets paper there is no right or wrong."
The Washington Post
"Mona Brookes, creator of a revolutionary drawing method has developed techniques for utilizing right-brain functioning in children to create surprising artistic results."
The Smithsonian Associate
"Monart, a method of drawing developed by California art educator Mona Brookes, shows that anyone is capable of drawing. Brookes' techniques have attracted national attention."
Kennedy Center Events for Teachers
"I've watched the Monart Method gain grass-roots popularity. It works! It's a MUST for teachers."
Dr. Lucia Capacchione, Creative Journal Writing
"A superb job of simplifying the drawing process, taking away the mystery and the terror. In all the years of giving and organizing teacher workshops, I never read more positive evaluations from teachers."
Jean Katz, Sp. Ed, LA. Co. Supt. of Schools
"I have witnessed first hand the admiration, respect, and adulation that the public feels for Mona Brookes and her methodology of teaching drawing. To those unable to take classes, everything is in her books."
Robert Evans, Adm. Dir., D.C. Children's Museum
"I knew the instant I met Mona Brookes, here was someone who was going to have a profound affect on my daughter and whose thoughts would one day be an established part of school curricula everywhere."
Joanne Nelsen, Parent. Huntington Beach News
"Mona has invented a new alphabet of building blocks in restructuring the brain, and it is fun."
Dr. Geraldine Schwartz, Vancouver Learning Center
"Her method is particularly useful in helping teach children with learning disabilities."
The Whole Life Times
"Mona has gained international recognition for the remarkable work she has done in teaching art."
New Horizons for Learning magazine